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Software für die PIC Mikrocontroller-Programmierung

Unser Verlag bietet einen BASIC interpreter für den 16bit PIC Mikrocontroller 24FJ64GA002 an. Der Interpreter läuft nur auf dem Chip, es wird kein Compiler/Tonkenizer benötigt. Die Verbindung mit dem PC kann durch ein USB-seriell Konverter-Kabel erfolgen.

Der Interpreter ist als Open-Source bei Sourceforge zum kostenlosen Herunterladen.

NiliBasic PIC24 interpreter

NiliBasic is a very simple BASIC interpreter for the 16bit PIC 24FJGA002 microcontroller from Microchip. The interpreter runs on the chip only, no compiler or tokenizer is needed. For communication with the PC and for text input and output, a serial RS232 connection is needed in form of a USB-to-serial converter cable.


There are two versions: with integer arithmetic (16 bit signed) or with single precision floating point arithmetics. The floating-point version occupies about 30KBytes of program memory.

This README file contains descriptions of NiliBasic PIC24 which may not be valid for the current version.

Compiling the sources

This software has been developed with Linux. To compile the C source of the interpreter, you must first install wine (the windows emulator), then the C30 compiler by Microchip.

Then you can use the script (c under linux, c.bat under windows) to compile nilibasicpic24.c to nilibasicpic24.hex. The hex file can be used to program the microcontroller.

   ./c nilibasicpic24
If you want to compile the interpreter as a PC program, then include the file utils-pc.c instead of utils.c and compile from the command line under Linux:
   cc nilibasicpic24.c -o nilibasicpic24 -lm
cc is the GNU C compiler
-lm means: link the mathematical functions (such as sin, cos).
-o indicates the output filename
Then invoke the simulator by ./nilibasicpic24 The FLASH is simulated, but most of the hardware functions are not. The very first version of the interpreter has been written in Pascal (nilibasicpic24.pas) which can be compiled by Free Pascal 2.4.0 and probably by older versions from 2.0.0 on. This program has been converted to C by p2c with further modifications. Then, only the C version has been further developed.

Burning a hex file into the microcontroller

You need a PICKit2 and a circuit described below (see "Schematic"). Under windows, you can use MPLAB and under Linux, you use pk2cmd (which requires one other file named "PK2DeviceFile.dat"). To simplify the command line options, use the script p:
   ./p nilibasicpic24


All instructions must be written in UPPER CASE. Lines may be 40 chars long.

In direct mode, there are the following instructions (enter only the first letter):

   NEW	clears the program in Flash, user can enter new lines until blank
   LIST	lists the actual program
   RUN	runs the actual program from Flash
   HELP	displays all available commands.
The program must be entered with line numbers. Editing is not supported because program lines are directly stored in Flash and the microcontroller can only erase blocks of 3x512 bytes.


There are 26 numerical variables, A..Z. In Expressions, there must be no blanks.
   A = B*C
Between the other parts of statements, there must be one blank (in this example indicated by _):

BASIC commands

   LET             Assignments are possible without LET
   FOR A = X TO Y  Optional STEP. FOR loops are execute always at least once.
   NEXT A          The variable name A may not be omitted in the expression.
   GOTO X          A computed GOTO is possible. GOTO X+10*Y
   GOSUB X         10 subroutine levels. GOSUB X+Y*Z
   INPUT X         Only one numerical variable, a prompt text may be given 
                   INPUT "X=" X
   PRINT           Without arguments writes a new line. Expressions or a string
   		constant "..." may be used. No CRLF is written if terminated 
                   by a semicolon ; Multiple arguments are not supported.
   IF expression 
   THEN expression	
                   The first expression is tested for 0 = false, the second
   		expression indicates a line number as destination. in IF
   		statements also .AND. .OR. .XOR. are possible
   REM             Comment line
   END             Stop execution
   REPEAT          Begin of loop
   UNTIL A = B     end of loop

Expression precedence

   Bracketed expressions
   number (only decimal) or variable
   Unary -
   * (multiplication) / (division) % (modulo)
   + -
   = <> > < >= <=
Comparisons evaluate to 0 for false and everything else for true.
   .XOR. binary or, and, xor. for not use function not().

Microcontroller commands

   WRITE address value     Poke value to address in data memory (RAM).
   X = READ(address)       Peek data at address in data memory (RAM), store to
                           variable. Example RAM addresses in PIC24FJ64002, use
                           only decimal form in BASIC programs: TRISB() this
                           function returns the decimal value 712, the address
                           of the TRISB register. Other functions are (brackets
                           are necessary): PORTB() = 714, LATB() = 716. 
                           Example: WRITE PORTB() 0 (writes zero to PORTB)
   WRITELOW address value  Poke 16-bit value to flash memory.
   WRITEHIGH address value Poke to flash program memory, only one byte to the 
                           upper location.
   X = READLOW(address)    Peek 16-bit value from flash memory into variable.
   X = READHIGH(address)   Peek upper 8-bit value into variable.
   X = ANALOG(channel)     Start one analog-digital conversion on indicated 
                           channel, store result into variable.
   STARTPWM pin            Start PWM production at indicated pin.
   PWM duty                Set duty cycle 0..1023. To stop PWM, use -1 as 
   X = RANDOM(limit)       Put random number from 0..limit-1 into variable, 
                           integer result.

Integer functions

   SQR(X)                  square = X * X
   ABS(X)                  if X<0 then -X else X
   NOT(X)                  0=false, everything else = true; binary not.

Floating point functions

   PI()			is implemented as function, 
                           returns 3.14159265358979323846


   LET @(10) = 20		One single numerical array @ is supported.
   PRINT @(A)+10		Indexes must be in brackets ()


One char array is supported, it is called $(), indexes must be in brackets.
   $(0) = 65		set position 0 to 'A'
   B = $(20)		assign the ASCII value of position 20 to variable B
   INPUT$ "Name: " 0	Input chars to $(0), end with 0
   PRINT$ 10		Print chars from $(10) until 0 is reached
Schematic For a minimal example schematic look at nilipascal-chip.pdf

The procedures PRINT and INPUT use pin RB9 = RxD and RB8 = TxD. Hardware inverters are not necessary because the serial signals are produced and analyzed by software including software inverters.

The microcontroller runs at 32 MHz with internal clock generation, no crystal is required.

All of the needed parts for the example schematic to be built on a breadboard are available from (prices in Euro in Germany from their catalogue 6/2010 + shipping)

   No. 	Best. Nr. 	Euro	Description
   1	USB2 SERIELL	4.60	serial/usb converter cable with 25pin adaptor
   1       DELOCK 61460    7.95    serial to usb adapter with cable
   1	24FJ64GA002-ISP	3.50 	16 bit PIC microcontroller 64KB Flash, 8KB RAM SDIL-28
   1	LED 5MM 5V GN   0.16	LED 5mm with resistor for 5V, green
   1	LED 5MM 5V GE   0.17	yellow
   1	LED 5MM 5V RT   0.17	red (3MM alle=0.16)
   1	STECKBOARD 1K2V	2.90	breadboard 640+200 contacts, 66x174mm
   1	D-SUB BU 09GW	0.50	D-SUB connector female, 9 pin for breadboard
   2	MKS-2 100N      0.07	100nF condensator
   2	RAD 10/100	0.04	10µF electrolyte condensator
   2	1N 4148		0.02	diodes
   1	1/4W 10K	0.10	resistor 10k ohm (10=0.33 EUR)
   1	PT 10-S 10K	0.20	trimmer poti 10k ohm
   1	TASTER 3301	0.11	switch, 6x6mm, 4.3mm height
           Shipping        5.60    inside Germany
At the time of writing (April 2010), there is no Windows 7 driver available for the USB2-Seriell converter from Logilink. As an alternative, the Delock 61640 converter may be used (which is slightly more expensive). Under Linux, both converters work without installing drivers.


Use CTRL-D to download file. NiliTerminal tries to open /dev/ttyUSB0 by default. Serial connections are 9600 Baud, 8n1.


This is open source software. NiliBasic PIC24 may be used and copied only under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), which can be found in the file GPL within this directory.

I am not a lawyer, and I cannot apply a lot of tests to this software. So please consider the following statements.

You may use NiliBasic PIC24 only at your own risk without any guarantee. This software is at an experimental state, so it may be not useful for your purposes, and it may contain software bugs including the manual, the terminal program and the interpreter.

It is prohibited to use NiliBasic PIC24 in commercial products or in applications which can damage the life of persons, as for example in airplanes, medical systems, weapons, nuclear reactors.

This software does not include free support in any form. Please inform the author if you find bugs or want to improve the software.

The run-time-module has been compiled with the free version of Microchip's C-Compiler for PIC24 available from on the command line on a Linux system with wine (Windows emulator).

Nili is a trade mark of Dr. O'Niel Som. PIC is a trademark of Microchip. Linux is a trade mark of Linux Torvalds, Windows is a trademark of Microsoft. All other mentioned trade marks belong to their owners and should be treated as such.

Copyright © 2024 Dr. med. O'Niel Som Verlag · Goethestr. 7 · 68723 Plankstadt · · E-Mail

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